The hilly pampas region of Argentine Patagonia is roughly the size of the Western U.S with a mind-boggling network of rivers and streams crisscrossing down from the Andes. Not all waters in the area hold fish so picking a place to start can be daunting. On top of this, there isn’t much information about specific regions and the little information that is available is often only in Spanish. Fortunately, most people are about as chill as can be and eager to help. I ran into Mario (, we chatted for a bit, and he was quick to clue me in on some waters to check out a few hours outside of the town of Junin. Mario, whose incredible fishing prowess is equally as solid as his throwback moustache, was a standup guy and we were lucky to meet him. So in keeping with South American fashion, we ended up winging it - because there wasn’t really any other way to do it - and in the end, Poseidon giveth.
-licenses (U.S. $25 per day)
-canned and fresh food (U.S. $15 for 2 people for 3 days)
-Immodium AD
-duct tape
-1/2 kilometer of t.p.
-Spanish dictionary
-tippet, buggers, and muddlers
-2.45 meter 4-weight
-rental car
-camping gear
-a lot of maps
-pisco and cola

morrell, i'm speechless.
amazing pics, i'd love to seem them all sometime. beautiful fish.
also worth noting: first fish bearing lady on the blog
That scenery must have been so distracting. Hell that's why I go fishing to visit places like that.
Great post
Awesome work Morrell! Beautiful fish.
Dude, while I scoped most of these pics on your camera already, the post and the posted pics are far better than my memory recalled!
glad you enjoyed em fellas. swear to god they dont do that place justice though. ill try to get a bunch more up on shutterfly or snapfish - there were more beauties that didnt make the post for sure
my only regret was not spending more time fishing down there
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