Making the drive to Yellowstone is always worth it. Trip #2 of the season brought 7 beauties to net (6 in Todd's, 1 in mine). Quite a flip-flop from the 7-0 schooling I gave Luke a couple weeks prior. The high point of this place is always the hard fighting, mind-blowingly colorful browns in the 18 to 23" and sometimes bigger range, but this trip we had an added bonus. Half an inch of snow had fallen 2 nights before and there wasn't a single human footprint on the trail. This allowed us to clearly make out tracks from squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, coyote, wolf, deer, elk, moose, and bear (wolverine and fox were suspected as well) along the 15 or so miles hiked that day. Not a single one of these animals was actually seen.
sweet post chris. great looking fish. we've got like 10 places to fish together between and around here and jackson
Nice work fellas. Some impressive looking browns!
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