
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Return to the Wind River Range

2 months ago I shared accounts of a journey deep into the Wind River Range. a few days ago, we returned by canoe, thinking access would be easier. After 20 miles of paddling, on top of the 3 hour drive from Jackson, we now realize there is no easy way to make this a weekend trip period. Although difficult, this place is always worth it. In my net: 19 1/2" brown, 20" brown, 21" rainbow, 23" rainbow. My boy Mike slayed as well, unfotunately without a camera.

2 months ago, we accidentally left a brand new, unopened bottle of Jack Daniel's right on the trail below the bear baggins site in plain view. It remained untouched until we reclaimed it 2 days ago. This place is truly beautiful.

size 18 mahogany dun

the smallest fish of the trip

grasshopper's worst nightmare


Andrew Wilkie said...

Awesome man, beautiful fish...fucking jealous. Side note: it is currently 70F here at 11:15p.m with a driving rain and 40mph winds...been like this since Tuesday. Uggh!

Jesse Lance Robbins said...

hell yea morrell.