
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fishing Spots

I caught myself reading an article today about some billionaires bucket list, which after several clicks led me to a sports writers list of 101 sporting events to see before you die. Then an idea clicked in my head, and I clicked no further. Of course I have read the popular and wonderful, "50 places to fish before you die", but I got thinking about how great it would be to hear it from the people I have grown to respect as fisherman on a personal level.

I think all the readers of this blog already appreciate the collective contributions from those who share their fishing stories. It would be even better if we had a list of favorite spots. So, maybe, if and when any of you write a story next time about a particular fishing experience, maybe tag the label by the location so that we can start to compile a easily searchable list of top fishing locations from this here group. Who knows, maybe we could put together our own complete list some day. Either way it will spark some friendly fishing debate.

My number 1?...Sabbattus Lake

I guess I will die a happy man.


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