A few fish, small brown trout, came to the net as we walked the banks of the Pleasant. This time I had brought out the 6' 3 wt and it was a great sized rod for the small river. The gazeteer sent us downstream to another section of the river and soon enough it was feeding time again. A few cold ones in the sun washed down lunch quite easily.
After lunch our luck finding appropriate spots to explore went a bit downhill. Four or five spots in a row, we would arrive to find one or more worm dunkers or water simply not preferrable to fly fishing. While discouraging at the time, at least we now know.
The afternoon was rounding the bend toward evening and we were almost ready to call it. We decided to try one more river in Falmouth that neither of us had fished before. As soon as we got our first good glimpse of the small river, we were both relieved and excited to see the water very fishy.
The sun was dropping slowly as we made our way back to the car. Pat kicked the skunk in the ass right before we called it quits and all was good.
Pat looks really pumped about catching that fish.... Check out the excitement on his face!
...and his healthy serving of Grizzly.
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